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Undergraduate Research Showcase 2023

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The Student Center for Research, Creativity, & Scholarship (SCRCS) is hosting a FREE week-long opportunity for undergraduate students to showcase and share their research, creative, and scholarly work.
SCRCS expands the best-known definition of  research to also include creative activities, projects, performing arts, music and video productions, and so much more.

Showcase displays can include: posters, visual arts, recorded presentations & performing arts, research papers, sculptures, models, projects, etc.

You can showcase physical, digital/virtual, or both types of projects. Digital/virtual projects will be uploaded to our YouTube channel.
If you have a physical project, you must bring it to SCRCS in Dupré Library, 102, by Wednesday, April 19, 2023.
**If you are participating in another research event, you can turn in your project after that event.**
If you have a digital/virtual project, please include a short abstract of your project.
Upload both your abstract and project through the participation form.
Showcase Location: Dupré Library, first floor
Showcase Dates: April 24-May 5, 2023
Deadline to participate: April 19, 2023

Complete this PARTICIPATION FORM to take part in the showcase.

Contact if you have any questions.